Question 1: What are some possible reasons crimes may go unreported?
People are hesitant to call out of fear they will be identified by the criminal
People take for granted that someone else has already contacted the police
They worry about being embarrassed if their suspicions prove to be unfounded
All of the above

Question 2: What should you do in the case someone breaks into your house?
Charge at them and take care of it yourself
Hide somewhere safe and call the police
Give up your belongings and run from your house
Don't do anything

Question 3: Out of the following choices, which would be considered "suspicious activity"?
A vehicles moving slowly and without lights, or seemingly repetitive or suspicious
Containing one or more suspicious people observed at an unusual hour
Vehicles being loaded with valuables in front of closed businesses or residences
All of the above

Question 4: What should you do if a gun is pointed at you and the criminal asks you to give up your belongings?
Run away in the other direction as fast as you can
Give them your belongings and retreat a good distance away
Adamantly refuse to listen to their demands
Slowly back up at a slow pace and negotiate with the criminal