Part 1

  1. Define 1 argument constructor using title
  2. Define toString method for id and title
  3. Generate unique id for each object
  4. Create a public getter that has Book Count
  5. Define tester method that initializes at least 2 books, outputs id and title, and provides a count of books in library.
public class Food {
    public String food; 
    static int orders = 0;
    protected double startTime; 
    private int id;
    //protected so it can be accessed through the extended classes

    public Food(String food) { = food;
        orders++; //increases the orders since its static
        this.startTime = System.nanoTime(); //starts the time when the food is prepared = orders; //unique id is the order 

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public String toString() { //uses toString method to get the order
        return "Restaurant order: " + food + "\n Order Number: " + id;

    public int getOrders() {
        return orders;

    public double waitingTime() {
        return (System.nanoTime() - startTime);
    } //returns the waiting time after food is prepared to when its picked up

    public boolean goneBad() {
        return (this.waitingTime() >= 4 * 100000000);
    } //food has gone bad once time is equal to ~ 1 hr

    public static void main(String[] args){

        System.out.println("Part 1:");

        Food[] foods = {
        new Food("Pasta"),
        new Food("Tacos"),
        new Food("Bagels")
        }; //puts all the foods into an array for simplicity

        for(Food food1 : foods){
        } //enhanced for loop to print out all foods

        System.out.println("\nNumber of Total Orders: " + orders);
Part 1:
Restaurant order: Pasta
 Order Number: 4
Restaurant order: Tacos
 Order Number: 5
Restaurant order: Bagels
 Order Number: 6

Number of Total Orders: 6

Part 2 & 3

  1. Ensure Novel and Textbook run the Constructor from Book.
  2. Create instance variables unique to Novel has Author, Textbook has publishing company. New items are not required by Constructor.
  3. Make Getters and Setters for all new items. For instance, be able to set items not required by constructor.
  4. Add a time when book entered the library. This should be same for Parent and Subclasses.
  5. Define tester method to test all items

Build a Tester Method that does a Simulation. Define a default method in Book that returns "current shelfLife" from date/time of construction. (Hint, think about capturing time in sorts) Define shelfLife expiration methods as needed in TextBook and Novel. A TextBook has a fixed shelf life based on the date/time of constructor. (Hint, simulation 3 yrs as 3000 milliseconds) A Novel has a computed shelf life of expiration, the simulation should extend shelf life if a certain number of return stamps where placed in the book. (Hint, 3 return stamps renews for an extra year) Use a sleep in Java to assist with simulation Make a method that determines if book has shelf life remaining, try to have title and on/off status in output.

class Takeout extends Food {

    private String orderName;
    private int pickups;

    Takeout(String food) {
        super(food); //calls super from the Food class
        this.pickups = 0; //sets the pickups amount to 0

    public String toString() {
        return "Restaurant order: " + food + "\n Pickup Order Name: " + orderName;
        //overrides to return the order name

    public String getOrderName() {
        return orderName;
    //setter and getter for order name
    public void setOrderName(String orderName) {
        this.orderName = orderName;

    //number of orders picked up
    public void pickups() {
        this.startTime = System.nanoTime();
        //starts the time at the pickup

    public int getPickups() {
        return this.pickups; //returns pickups


class Dine extends Food {

    private String dineIn;

    Dine(String food) {
    } //constructor for dine in people

    public String getDineIn() {
        return dineIn;
    } //gets the name of the person

    public void setDineIn(String dineIn) {
        this.dineIn = dineIn;
    } //setter for dine in

    public String toString() {
        return "Restaurant order: " + food + "\n Dine in Order Name: " + dineIn;
        //overrides to return the order name


public class Owner{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println("Part 2:");

        Takeout[] takeouts = {
        new Takeout("Burrito"),
        new Takeout("Chicken Curry"),
        new Takeout("Vegetarian Noodles")
        }; //puts all the foods into an array for simplicity

        Dine[] diners = {
            new Dine("Salad"),
            new Dine("Pizza"),
            new Dine("Gobi Manchurian")
            }; //puts all the foods into an array for simplicity
        //sets all the takeout order names and diner names

        for(Takeout take : takeouts){
            System.out.println("Waiting Time: " + take.waitingTime());
        } //enhanced for loop to print out all takeout orders

        for(Dine dine : diners){
            System.out.println("Waiting Time: " + dine.waitingTime());
        } //enhanced for loop to print out all diners

        System.out.println("Part 3:");

        Takeout t = new Takeout("Burgers");
        Dine d = new Dine("Soup");

        //checks if gone bad
        System.out.println("Has it gone bad? " + t.goneBad());
        System.out.println("Has it gone bad? " + d.goneBad());
            Thread.sleep(1000); //sleep in java to forward time and check
        } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("After some time...");
        //checks if gone bad after time skip
        System.out.println("Has it gone bad? " + t.goneBad());
        System.out.println("Has it gone bad? " + d.goneBad());
Part 2:
Restaurant order: Burrito
 Pickup Order Name: Riya
Waiting Time: 995471.0

Restaurant order: Chicken Curry
 Pickup Order Name: Vidhi
Waiting Time: 5130901.0

Restaurant order: Vegetarian Noodles
 Pickup Order Name: Vika
Waiting Time: 7810362.0

Restaurant order: Salad
 Dine in Order Name: Riya
Waiting Time: 1.4792952E7

Restaurant order: Pizza
 Dine in Order Name: Vidhi
Waiting Time: 1.7654442E7

Restaurant order: Gobi Manchurian
 Dine in Order Name: Vika
Waiting Time: 1.946138E7

Part 3:
Has it gone bad? false
Has it gone bad? false

After some time...

Has it gone bad? true
Has it gone bad? true